Results – Publications


Preliminary studies supporting the rationale of ICS-RECODE study

Study protocol

Main results

Methodological findings

Preliminary studies supporting the rationale of the ICS-RECODE study

Post-hoc analysis of the ISOLDE trial, demonstrating that blood eosinophils measured while patients are receiving corticosteroids are not equivalent to blood eosinophils measured while patients are not receiving ICS. This study also established eosinophils change as a potential biomarker

  • Mathioudakis AG, Bikov A, Foden P, Lahousse L, Brusselle G, Singh D, Vestbo J. Change in blood eosinophils following treatment with inhaled corticosteroids may predict long-term clinical response in COPD. Eur Respir J. 2020;55(5):1902119. doi: 10.1183/13993003.02119-2019. Link to full text

Post-hoc analysis of the FLAME trial

Mathioudakis AG, Bate S, Sivapalan P, Jensen JU, Singh D, Vestbo J. Rethinking blood eosinophils for assessing ICS response in COPD: A post-hoc analysis from FLAME. In peer review.

A ramp along a curved wall in the Kiasma Museu, Helsinki, Finland

Study Protocol


White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany

Main results


Methodological findings